I'm still plodding away at updating my old Word Bearers army and now have another 3 marines to show you, including the champion of the squad:
For the champion I used the power fist from the chaos lord kit had to cut down the middle finger so as it matched more with the rest of the fingers, I also decided to have a go at doing some gore dripping from the fist using some small strands of Green stuff dont think it turned out to badly :)
I'm still working on converting the mantic zombies too, will hopefully have a few of them to show in a couple of days time, speaking of zombies I picked up this the other day:
Few of my friends have told me to read it so I thought I would, will give me some inspiration for zombies models. I'm spoilt for choice with inspiration at the moment what with the Walking Dead being on tv now too, saw the firs episode last week on FX and loved it, quite looking forward to episode 2 tonight.
well thats it for now, should have another update in a few days time possibly with Dark Eldar in the near future if I can decide if I want to buy some or not
Yay, you managed to get the brazier, scripture and dripping gore onto the Aspiring Champion! :)