Over on the Ammo Bunker I set up a little topic with a poll to help me decide what my main project for the year ill be. The vote went to the Sons of Sek so I will be continuing with the army. Don't worry I'll still be painting random prjects in the background such as the necrons etc.
So I decided to paint the platoon commander for the sons, who I christened Grath Damogaur. I put up some pics of the conversion work a while back but I'll post them here too:
and the unpainted conversion:
based on a catachan torso and legs, cadian command squad plasma pistol, empire militia arm, hand and chainsword from the cadian frame and a flagellent head,
Next up is another random project, few weeks back I ordered a urban war gladiators strike team (here) as a painting project. It turned up a day or two back and I have just finished the first member:
and her with the next gladiator I plan to paint:
for this mini I've used a wet palette for the first time and must say I am really impressed with it, though it would be impractical to use it on an army scale I think for a small warband like these 7 gladiators it will be really good.
appologies for the quality of the pictures, some of the shading and highlights on both models isn't showing up well :(
Also welcome to a new follower Tame, cheers for the support dude :)
As ever let me know what you think guys t