Whole reason I haven't being posting on here is that I took a bit of a step back from the hobby I did still carry on tinkering with stuff but at a much slower pace, working on them for a few minutes a day or every other day, I'm beginning to get back to my old ways of working quite quickly though so updates will be less sporadic :)
right so lets begin with the most recent things I finished for my Vampire counts:
zombies only a few pics there but there are more in my photobucket, the thing with these is I've tried to convert them all, so new heads to replace the horribly dated stock heads as well as shaving down the hands and fingers to try bring them back into scale. As such it does take quite a while to make them which is annoying when you need so many :(
My vampires are currently on hold as I don't want to get completely bored of zombies so i've moved back to working on 40k.
So my 40k interest was reinvigorated after Games Day where I helped run the Ammo Bunkers Poisoned chalice game as well as meeting forum members (including that Heretic named Daniel(Mr Feral) for the first time), I contributed a Tau kill team to it:
The camo cloaks drew some attention with a few guys asking me how they were made. After GD again I had a bit of a break working on a few bits of Tau stuff and nothing much else. Then On the Ammobunker a communal Badab log was set up which got me interested again and after seeing the truely inspirational work of Dan the Daemon over on bolter and chainsword I decided to give true scaling a go, as his method looked nice( I find terminator based true scale marines to be far to bulky) and simple but highly effective (plus it doesn't cost an arm and a leg in terminator parts :P )
So I made a marine from the raptors chapter:
and I was very very pleased with the result of the up scaling, with its success it was inevitable I would put the method to use for the good of the ruinous powers and have embarked upon a new project, that of completely updating my Word Bearers, these guys are my favourite 40k army mainly because when I first got back into the hobby properly 4 years back they are the army I made, so here are the first 2 truescaled the same as the Raptor:
I'm really pleased with these 2, I'm finally doing some justice to the word bearers I think :P
And because I'm nice heres 2 sneak peeks of 2 other projects I'll be working on:
we have Jill Valentine from the resident evil games (Resi 3 costume as i found a good model to base her off) she is the start of some zombie apocalypse stuff I'll be doing
Then we have Drazhar master of blades, who is still heavily WIP:
Having fallen in love with the background and models of the new Dark Eldar I set about making Drazhar after seeing the new art work for him im planning on doing a small 500 point Dark eldar force in the near future, parts wise hes made from a mix of dire avenger and guardian parts with his swords being made from thin plasti card
Well thats it for this post, sorry if' I've waffled on but you did gt to see some pretty pictures :P