
Friday 22 August 2014

A Catch up post

So I've been quiet the past few weeks,

This is for a variety of reasons, being away the past 2 weekends being one and more recently my nan passing away. Thus I havent really been up to much, I do however have some pictures I took at the last meet up of Me, Rictus and Nife from a few weeks ago:

Got to love a good castle, we spent our first day on the Isle of Wight wandering a castle and indulging Rictus' fetish for photographing Ruins. I also ended up walking away with a Sword from the castle shop......

The next day then revolved around playing some new games, first and foremost was us trying out Deadzone. Nife own the full boxed game where as I have an Enforcer start kit, rule book, deluxe mat and some scenary that I've picked up over the past year.

Rictus's worst nightmare the dreaded sentry guns that kept him supressed for most of the game

The game was a big success with us all enjoying it. Very quick to pick up but quite a lot of tactical bits and abilities to master. The plague are quite nasty to play against given their higher numbers and their big gribblies that can smash you up close.

Next we tried out infinity which oddly enough I didn't take any pictures of. Give my recent focus on painting and converting my infinity stuff I was rather looking forward to it even taking along my WiP terrain to fill out the table some more.

Sadly it wasn't as much of a success as deadzone with both Rictus and Nife not being overly impressed with it. I think I will need to read up on the rules more to try it again, though Nife now has a fear of the words critical hit haha

Finally we finished the weekend with our regular game of Zombicide. this time facing bezerker zombies for the first time. they bring a nice challenge and was fun to try out some of the newer weapons such as my beloved automatic shotgun.

It was then time to cross a rather choppy channel back to the more civilised mainland

From the weekend I have ended up with a few new projects, mainly to get my Enforcers painted up and finished and secondly I ended up leaving with the Ork half of Nifes Sanctus reach box so expect a 1000pt Zone mortallis ork force down the pipe line.

Nife has also got me to go in for Mantics latest Kickstarter, Dungeon saga. Though I admit I have fancied working on some fantasy bits and pieces for a while now so this will fit the bill nicely.

Thats it for now guys, with current circumstances might be a week or so before I put up another update.


  1. It's bloody typical I could never afford to join you guys on the mainland. I move away and you guys come to the Island typical sods law

  2. Looks like you had a good trip Si! Don't worry about infinity, it'll grow on you. The full rules are a bit hard to grasp in a single setting, in my experience. Deadzone looks interesting...

  3. You should of said you were travelling down towards the Isle of Wight, I live in the South of England. Whereabouts did you cross the water from?

    Anyway, good to see you are still alive and whatnot NOT THAT YOU EVER TALK TO ME ANYMORE. :p
