
Wednesday 24 July 2013

weekly ramblings #8

Evening guys and girls,

Its been quiet in here of late though I do have reasons 2 6 day weeks at work followed by a week away in Scotland visiting family and friends. Thus work on anything hobby related has slowed to a crawl.

I do however have a quick update to stop rictus from hassling me :-P I've recently started working on a few red corsair bits, mainly so as I have time to try and get them painted before my next meet up with rictus and nife.

So finding I still had my DV chosen left, I searched for a use for them, given they don't fit in with the style I have done for the regular corsair squads. I settled on converting them to plague marines who are fighting under hurons banner:

The heavily warped nature of the chosen really aides in the conversion, plus given I intend them to be death guard they actually look 10,000 years old.

I'm planning on doing a squad of 7 of these guys which should prove useful in games of zone mortallis.

Well thats it for now, will hopefully have gotten a bit more done over the weekend.


  1. That's cool, I've got some of the DV Chosen in a drawer somewhere. No idea what to do with them though...

    1. Cheers sir, you could you know paint them for your chaos? :P

    2. Very funny, you know how pedantic I am about truescale, and I really don't want to have to even attempt to cut them up!

  2. You have no backbone. I'm sure your defence in court will be 'Rictus made me do it'.

    Plague Marine is looking good. Give one a scythe.

    1. Its a good defense, and sheep is right you are a bully ;)

      I'm actually thinking of making a nurgle sorcerer so he might feature a scythe.

  3. Wow, he looks fantastic! Those chosen models are excellent to begin with, but you did a wonderful job converting this one into a plague marine. You capitalized on his innate Nurgle feel. I particularly like the sword; it is refreshing to see a weapon in 40k that is not comically huge. I cant wait to see him finished! Any thoughts on his other arm?

    1. Cheers sir,

      The sword is from the skeleton warriors kit, I'm just counting it as a plague knife but figured a short sword would look nice. For his other arm he will likely have a bolter or maybe a severed head.

  4. Looking good mate, is brown stuff harder to work with than green?

    1. Cheers dude, its not harder its a lot firmer than GS but is still easy to work with then is better for hard edges which is part of the reson i picked it for their gut plates so as I can sculpt cracks onto the armour.

      You might find it useful for the ad mech stuff you are working on :)

  5. Another terrific conversion - love it! Any plans for the paint job?



    1. Cheers good sir,

      Paint scheme wise I'm thinking your fairly tradional nurgle/death guard colours but with one shoulder pad painted red with the tyrants claw on it just to show their current alliegance.
