
Sunday 19 May 2013

Weekly Ramblings #4

Evening Guys and girls,

Week or is it 2 later than normal? bah it doesn't matter as to be totally honest I have barely done any work hobby wise due to work and then having a nice weekend away with the GF.

Anyway I'm back to rambling on about hobby stuff. This time focused on INQ28mm :O

I've been sorting through boxes of models today and found out the stockpiled bits for my neglected inq28 project. I initially stored them away because of a complete lack of ideas or inspiration, in a shocking turn of events upon getting them out and having a look a where I left off inspiration struck. So now I'm back to workin gon a few bits:

2 new WiP characters

Really need to finish these pair

It feels good to be doing some more involved sculpting instead of simply filling gaps on truescaled corsairs, seems to have been an eternity since I actually just sat and sculpted.

The other side of messing with INQ again is its tempting me to come out of my self imposed exile from forums namely from the Ammo Bunker. I abandoned most forums before because I simply no longer held the interest or drive to actually take an active part in the community and keep updating. This is a far cry from when I used to be heavily involved over there, I guess times change. We'll see what happens, but joining the rather talanted bunch on the inq section over there is highly tempting.

In other news my normal partners in hobby crime known only as Rictus and Nife have decided it would be a good idea to do Epic with a horus heresy theme, of course they also decided that it would be a good idea to nag and bully me into joining them...............Thus I have a batch of epic stuff heading my way from Ebay, I'm thinking battle of Calth themed Word Bearers. More on this when the models arrive :)

Well that sit for now, might try get an update done during the week.


  1. Heresy themed Epics? I am excited to see what you three do with that idea!

    Your updated stuff, while very WIP, looks promising. Don't go back to AB, though, tis a silly place. . .

    1. Should be fun with epic hell I might even attempt terrain :-O

      Thinking of attempting some 6mm sculpts too maybe primarchs, casualties etc

      AB that bad now then?

    2. Its not Warseer bad, not by any means, but when one of the Mods makes a post on the forum's Facebook page about how to improve engagement. . . Well, lets just say it doesn't bode well.

      Plus, nobody likes my stuff on AB :(

    3. I would certainly be keen to see your stuff on the Ammobunker's INQ28 sub-forum. I'm not entirely sure I agree with Dave's assessment (and I do like his WW2 stuff) but your mileage obviously varies.

      Either way, your sculpting is fantastic and I'm particularly jealous!

    4. @Dave: didn't even know they had a facebook page.....I'm behind with the times, plus its not your stuff people don't like no its you hobo like face ;-)

      @Molotov: Cheers sir, we'll see I don't want to return only to vanish again after a matter of weeks guess its a case of watch this space. Either way I'll still lurk about on the inq section :-)

  2. It must be said that I enjoy each and every one of your updates, but especially the ones concerning Inq28. You've actually gotten me to seriously consider getting some silicone shapers and to try my hand at sculpting, so thank you for that (though my wallet may not be so thankful)!

    Looking forward to future updates, especially on that Dark Elf gal :)

    1. Cheers dude, you should definitely get the clay shapers, sculpting is one of the most rewarding parts of this hobby :-)

      I'll get back to the dark elf conversion soon, been working on a bounty hunter today infact I might even update with a few pics of him tomorrow night

    2. Got any suggestions as to where I should get some online? I found a six-piece set with different ends for just under $30, but it's an extra $10 for shipping and a 2-3 week wait. Maybe there are some good online stores in the UK for clay shapers and/or general sculpting supplies?

    3. Tbh the best place to probably get them from online would be amazon. I got mine from a local art store so if you have one near you might be worth checking there.

      Size wise you will be looking for size 0 and the main type I use is a taper point clay shaper.

      Hope that helps dude :-)

    4. Cheers mate. I went onto Amazon and found a nice set for just under £10. I'll have a bit more of a look around before purchasing, but at least I'm on the right track!

      And thanks for the tips, I'll try and keep those in mind :)

  3. Hmm new INQ28 stuff, do go on...

    Nice to see you not insult me for once. Good job!

    1. I shall go on you filthy slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag!

      Ah question answered and you insulted all in one, I believe my work here is done ;-)

  4. Wow, they look so good!

  5. Wonderful stuff mate :)

    Would love to see more stuff from your hobby workbench :)



    1. Cheers sir, I will be putting up another inq28 based update tonight
