
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Bases and more bases

Evening readers irregular update time :-P

I return home from work today to find a parcel awaiting from none other than that scoundrel Rictus, it contained the first casts he made of the bases I sculpted to use with warhammer quest. So I've quickly glued a few of the stormvermin I have onto them:

Next up are some bases I've started to make up for my small Heresy Era Imperial fists force:

In other news me and Rictus have finally managed to nag Nife into setting up a blog, now be warned he only paints once or twice a millenium but when he does, it is worth seeing. Who knows we might be able to get him to paint more often with sufficient nagging :P

Go take a look and join the nagging bandwagon.

Update on the Sorcerer and ome Terminators soon too :)

Thursday, 22 November 2012

WiP: Corsair Sorcerer Conversion

Good afternoon guys,

Its update time again :-) , after a month or so off from working on the Red Corsairs Im back to preparing the next batch for painting. this being the slowest part the conversion work.

Now the next batch of stuff I will be preparing is an additional 250pts ready for the next meet up at WHW with Rictus and Nife, that 250pts roughly works out to:
  • 3 Terminators
  • 5 Plague marines
  • Sorcerer(so I can swap between him and the normal lord)

I will be working on some Raptors, Cultists and another tactical sized squad of corsairs at the same time.

Anyway to the point of this update, pictures:

This is based on the Dark Vengeance Librarian, hes been true scaled in line with the rest of my corsairs, I've swapped the arm out to give him a bit more of an open pose I've kept the force weapon from the base model and started to add some flames to it. I wasnt't a fan of the original head so have given him a helmet taken from one of the chosen.

Over all I'm rather happy with how hes turned out, just a case of finishing him off now :)

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Warhammer Quest stuff on the desk

Evening guys,

Quick update time. Thought I would share some of the Warhammer Quest bits I have started to work on:

First up a Dark Elf sorceress:

This is 1 of the Avatars of War models that I picked up when we visited Maelstrom Games/eye of the storm a few weeks back. it is a really nice sculpt (well most of Felix's sculpts are rather epic) the only thing that lets it down is the face...looks like a blow up doll haha

I'm rather happy with how the skin has come out on her, just a cast of finishing off the metallics now and then waiting for my box of dark elf corsairs to arrive to make her some friends........I ordered it 2 weeks ago damn you Wayland Games.

Next up is the heavily WiP Skaven Warlord:

This is the GD model from a year or 2 back, quest has given me the perfect excuse to paint up a few skaven. I've already picked up 10 stormvermin on sprue from eBay that I shall be building over the coming days and Rictus provided me with some Plague monks so I'm off to a good start.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Red Corsairs at 500pts

Yes its me, I'm back again after yet another long absence.

It has taken me a while to work my way back round to the blog and well posting in general, I went through a point of wondering if it was worth posting and documenting my work on the net at all. But alas for now I have decided to stick with it.

So what have I been up to over the past few months, well thats mainly been me getting 500pts of Corsairs painted up for the weekend of gaming I had at WHW with Rictus and Nife 2 weeks ago:

There are some cultists missing from these photos that i didnt quite finish in time so I left them off. Also here is a pic of the helbrute before I Painted it just to show the conversion work:

The Weekend has really energised me hobby wise and with us planning on making it a 6 monthly meet up has given me some targets. I'm aiming to get another 250 points for the corsairs painted up as well as some other bits and pieces which are:

Dark Elves and Skaven for Warhammer Quest: Nife bought the game along on the weekend, I've never played it before but was really taken by it so the plan is for each of us to paint up some enemies for the dungeon and put it all together for the game each time we meet up.

I went for my favourites the Dark elves(I have some rather complex conversions planned) and Skaven as I've always fancied painting some but never wanted to do the whole £10000000 horde army of em. Quest lets me gather a handful of them as well as letting me do the more involved conversions on the Drk elves without having to worry about rolling it out across a whole army.

Imperial Fleet for BFG: Long has Rictus nagged me to do these and after actually playing a game I intend to get a small fleet painted up.

Sedition Wars: All 3 of us will be getting a copy of the game and the plan is to paint a few things each and put them all towards actually playing it at the net meet up.

Horus Heresy Imperial Fists: This is a target for future meet ups, that is a 500pt heresy force each I've already begun picking up the odd bits for it and will be repurposing the contemptor I originally got for my word bearers. I have gone for imperial fists mainly for the challenge of painting yellow haha but these will be a while off whilst i gather the models and get a decent recipe for yellow.

Thats it for now I do intend to try and stay active on here from now on, infact I will have the first of my quest models ready to be posted up within a day or two :)